
Friday, January 12, 2007

Vingt pillules par jour, ça use, ça use... 

I've hit my highest pill ingestion rate since I got out of the hospital in 2003: 12 asacol, 3 prednisone, 4-6 advil and a multivitamin. It's not as drastic as it was back then (when it was like 12 asacol, 6 prednisone--not fun--plus iron pills and others), but it's still a cheery process. The intestines finally appear to be coming under control for the first time since the flareup in April that sent me to the hospital in Dublin--China was torture, too--and we're about to add a new drug, Curcumin. Extract of Turmeric. It's apparently been really successful, and has next to no side effects. So that's two more pills (and these are a gram apiece, so horse pills). I should start selling my body to science. Beats paying for it.

The advil are because I went back to training all at once after not doing anything for a month. Between a session at Master Suh's in Astoria (always punishing) and a merciless class at Premier (I went to check out my friend Maria's teacher, who I've been hearing a lot about, not all of it good; I was not pleased) which was all upper body work, which I'm unaccustomed to, my back's a twisted mess. So now I have to go back to Suh's tonight, broken or not, because according to the Times two days ago, rest doesn't help. I'm not taking a month off ever again.

Hopefully I should be behind the bar at the West End next week, when school kicks up again. Will keep you posted.

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