
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Chinese People are Lightweights 

In over a year of watching China with a fair degree of religiousness, this is definitely the most hiLARious story I've come across. Mostly because he only had four beers. Courtesy of Nick, who has a story that preambles this one: when he went to the Beijing Zoo, he saw a man at the panda enclosure become incensed over the panda's sloth--his unwillingness to entertain. So he did the sensible thing and yelled and threw water at it in an attempt to get it to bestir itself. Nick, I believe, wanted to push him into the grizzly pit, a la Anchorman.

I can't get this DVD (Takeshi Kitano's Brother; phenomenal movie, recalcitrant disc) out of my goddamn computer which is on the verge of an aneurysm anyhow and I've lost my sticky tack and my curtains keep falling off the windowframe and I've got this indescriptibly nasty and mucoid cough and I'm generally snowed under with all this WORK but the weather is turning lovely again and classes are mostly a marvel and I earned my blue belt last night and the old beaten rug I brought over to my new room on 113th street really ties the room together and the beanbag chair doesn't smell nearly as bad as we thought it would.

But don't buy Dulce de Leche oreos. They're foul.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Every so often... 

...they just drop the good news on you: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/13/sports/soccer/13soccer.html

Barcelona's got some new jerseys.

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