
Monday, March 20, 2006

from MoveOn 

I don't usually go for the online email petitions, because they're almost invariably bogus (anyone can sign as many times as they want), but there was no harm in signing this one. It only takes a second, and Christ, it's not like we have anything left to lose. Every little helps:

On Monday, Senator Russ Feingold introduced a resolution to censure President Bush for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping American citizens.

When the president misleads the public and the Congress and willfully and repeatedly breaks the law, there need to be some consequences --that's how the law works for everybody else.

Censuring the president is a reasonable first step in condemning the president's actions. Now it's up to us to show broad public support for Senator Feingold's resolution. Can you sign this petition asking Congress to join the call for censure?




Sorry for the disappearance. I had to bury myself in applications for a while. Got Johns Hopkins out in 24 hours. Earned my orange belt in TKD, too, despite being the single most destructive thing in that class (kicking holes in walls, noses, myself, etc). Took a few days in Philadelphia for St. Paddy's Day as part of my ongoing insistence on getting the hell out of Dodge on March 17. Last year it was in Barcelona, the year before, on an airplane (seated next to a guy who had clearly been celebrating with the $6 Murphy's in the airport). Next year, I don't know, Oaxaca. Anywhere but Dublin or New York.

Had a lovely time with Liz (who, along with Ruthie, got into fucking GRAD SCHOOL, and mazel tov to them both) in Philly; one of the main attractions was The Mutter Museum of Medical Oddities, featuring, among many, many other unbelievably gross things, a large intestine literally big enough to eat me. It was six feet long, two feet wide, like a two-hundred pound gastropod. Some guy had this in his gut. They had a picture, it was horrific, like he'd swallowed a tuba. Also nasty was the horn-woman, with this foot-long HORN sticking out of her temple. It wasn't even like a cool shiny unicorn horn pointing proudly up, no, this thing was brown and gnarled and hooked down over her face. Also the mockup of the necrosis of the face victim, I'm not even going into that. Gigantic tumors, conjoined fetuses, faces contorted in rictuses of agony, corkscrew penises, a whole exhibit on siamese twins, Liz seemed a lot less repelled than I was. I can't handle that kind of thing. I just look at it and think, "This could happen to you."

150 Chinese characters and counting.
UPDATE: 210 and counting.

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