
Monday, December 26, 2005


In Kansas City, puttering away. Most urgent news is Trinity has finally noticed my absence, and are discontinuing my internet service as of December 29th. We will all have to bid ashworts a sorrowful adieu. In its place will stand, as ever it has, the stalwart and underappreciated workhorse, Finnevico@yahoo.com, which will be aided in its efforts by a newcomer, the youthful SmashworthXIV@gmail.com. This last will be the primary address. All of you should try to make it feel welcome by sending it lots of email.

The plans for New Years are crystallizing as well: Casa nostra, from 9:30 of the p.m till next year. Bring whoever. Repondez s'il you what the hell.

For Chrismukkah, John gave us a self-help book entitled Why Men Love Bitches. I shall read it cover to cover. Today we will go eat ribs at Arthur Bryant's world-famous BBQ. Then I think we are scheduled to go fire off AR-15's, M-1's and 12-gauge shotguns. No nancy shooting galleries this time, either. Just us and the chickens.

Okay, by chickens I mean cans and bottles and a farm. But the AR-15 is the prototype of the M-16. Yippi ki yay, motherfucks.

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