
Friday, July 09, 2004

The continuing saga of the land of Monaco 

Where I am, at long last, employed.

I am in a good mood. It's 2am, I'm sitting here in my underwear, typing, and I'm in a good fucking mood. I went out to see Spider-Man 2 with Ben (great movie, by the way), and after we get out, I get a message on my voice mail. It's our friend Yuval, Jacob's violin teacher, who's not only a regular at Monaco, but knows everyone who works there. He had gone there tonight with the intent of putting in a good word for me. Evidently it works: he says, Come to Monaco as soon as you get this. Ben and I start hustling. Mom calls en route: "They want to hire you." We hustle faster.

5pm tomorrow--well, today, technically--I start training. Had I not been at the movie, they would have started me tonight. They want me for full-time. The money's likely to be quite good. We're guessing salary's in the $7-8 range, but that's generous (in the state of New York, managers are not technically required to pay their servers anything at all. They make it all off tips). I don't know how tips are doled out yet, because it's mostly a service bar. It's a plum job, though, a very plum job. I fired off an email to New York Bartending School thanking them for all their help. I called my teacher, Adam, to thank him, too. I saw Spider-Man 2, got a job, watched two Six Feet Unders with Rebecca and Caitriona's coming tomorrow. Don't fucking nobody better piss on my flowers.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Hmm...I guess I like Edwards. 

So Kerry's picked Edwards. Boy, didn't see that coming. The only thing I know about Edwards is that I was tickled when, following a better finish in some primary than was expected, let's say Wisconsin, he announced that "the voters of Wisconsin have sent John Jerry a message: objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." I thought that was funny. I would have loved for McCain to have come over to the good guys, but oh well. Poo.

UPDATE: Oh, that's goddamn funny. Take a look at today's New York Post. They've taken it off their site, but the front page, in huge letters, it reads "KERRY PICKS GEPHARDT." I laughed and laughed...

Speaking of politics, I kinda got a job today. It's another catering gig (I've picked up two others in the past few days), but this one's special. This was the ad I responded to:

Hundreds of top-level pros to join our team, exclusive/upscale
! Urgent Staffing Need!
Republican National Convention
Aug 29,30,31 & Sept 1 & 2
Recept'ns-Events-Prestigious loc Uniform: black & white or Tuxedo
OPEN HOUSE Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
Troy Associates
295 Madison Ave (at 41 St) 12 flr
or call Dellos, Bruce or Beth at

That's right, boys and girls. The Republican National Convention. For a week, I'll be catering to the whitest, white-wine-spritzer-drinkin'est, capitalest folks what ever voted. I think it's brilliant. I take their money, underpour their drinks (just enough that I'm satisfied, and they don't notice), and get them locked all the same. Smile and be obsequious. Take tips. Then let them go off and make policy.

I'm reminded of a moral quandary (former theatre teacher) Tracy Bryce once stumbled into: her husband, James, had just been offered a job. This pro-life, right-wing lobby had just offered him a role in an ad they were going to be filming. They needed the money. But this of course went against everything they stood for. Furthermore, they wanted James to be holding their baby, Devlin. Whoring the child out for a morally questionable enterprise made the situation even more difficult. In the end, though, Tracy did the smart thing, and even though the woman did vote for Nader, she proved herself, at least in this instance, not to be a total lefty loon: she figured, if the republicans want to pay for my kid's college education, who am I to stop them? They'd just be subsidizing subversion.

I, of course, am not giving it nearly as much though. I actually didn't give it any thought at all. The little thought I gave it consisted of "HOT SHIT! CASH!"

So I've been engaged. But the nice thing is, I'm actually an employee of this firm, now, which means they'll have me working other jobs. They're huge, the number one provider to this massive consortium, I think is the word, of restaurants, Restaurant Associates. So more work. Also work when I get back in December. It's nothing to piss on. I just have to distinguish myself in the initial jobs. I want money, goddammit.

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