
Friday, August 13, 2004

One more thing 

So important it gets its own post:

On August 22nd, next Sunday, there is a heavy-duty, full-on, hard-core BIRTHDAY PARTY for Kay Negishi, Warren Ashworth and Sam Ashworth. All are welcome. There was a similar party last year (on the same day, I believe), and it was a riotous success. So come with bells on.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Bad News Roundup 

Firstly, it just hit the wires a half-hour ago: NJ Gov. Jim McGreevey resigns 'cuz he's gay. Fucking great. Asshole? You know what would have been cool? If he'd have just hung around, being all like, What you gonna do, fire me? Jesus. Honestly, one of these days, a politician needs to say, Yeah, so I boffed someone who wasn't my lawfully wedded spouse. I porked him/her rotten. So? It'd change politics forever. The guy would win reelection in a landslide.

Next, earlier this morning, the California Supreme Court decides that McGreevey can't marry 'cuz he's gay (God, doesn't it suck to be McGreevey's wife right now?). Overturning San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom's "shove it up your ass, state legislature" decision to issue marriage licenses to gay couples (his policy on which was, What you gonna do, fire me?), the court annulled all 4,037 licenses issued in San Francisco. Their verdict was based on the premise--and you have to admit, they've got a point; Newsom knew this was coming--that the mayor completely overstepped his bounds. He did. I think the anti-marriage people are blinkered asshole dorkwad douchebags of the most ignorant kind, and I do sincerely hate them (I hate certain people. I'm not ashamed), but the left should have known this wouldn't fly.

Finally, I recommend that anyone who has not yet been by Monaco come either Saturday between 10am and 5pm or Sunday from 5pm till 12:30am, as those will be my last two shifts. They have fired their two young bartenders, myself and Andrey, the handsome Columbia engineering student--they damn well better have fired him; shadenfreude my ass--because they're trying to drag the restaurant, kicking and screaming, in a direction it has no desire to go in. Trendiness. Fugghedaboudit. They want their bartedners either older or bigger-breasted. I think it's older, though, that's what they said. Eli began by saying, "It's nothing personal, but..." and right there, I went, "Aw, shit. Now what am I gonna do with my time?" Oh, well. I was going to have to leave soon enough anyhow. I thought I'd get another few weeks, though, another $1000. I threw my hat in for some more catering, see what that yields (have a tuesday meeting, 10am, at Restaurant Associates, a gargantuan corporation, for the RNC).

What bums me most is that I was doing well. My tips at the bar were astronomical. I got on great with customers. Knew them all by name, and can remember exactly what each had to drink. Yesterday a guy named Glenn left me $5 on an $11.97 check. Yukari left $7 on a $33.13. My drinks were fucking good, too: yesterday, again, I made a pink lemonade martini for Amir, the owner, who'd come back from Miami, which he told me was excellent, and then I offered to make him a fresh watermelon martini, which I'd just started working on, and he told me that was great, too. This is a man who never says anything nice, so such praise felt mighty good. The watermelon martini, by the way, was on. So I wasn't fired because I wasn't good enough. I just wasn't what they needed. Fuck. I liked working there. So I have two more shifts, folks.

The silver lining is that I now plan to come up to Providence in late August, Ben, and follow that with a long stint at Harvard (Jared, you are coming out of that room, whether you like it or not), and probably a few days at Yale. Oberlin's also a definite possibility. 'Cause, shit, you know, like I got all this TIME now. I'm going back to Dublin for a week, from September 13th to the 20th, to find a flat, but then classes don't start till October 11th. Oberlin's definitely in the cards, I think. Chicago might even happen, who knows? It's a party now. Ti-i-i-ime...is on my side.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Because it came to my attention that certain persons, whose initials are Mom, hadn't seen it yet.

Interesting side notes. Apparently, the Richmond Organization, who own the rights to Woody Guthrie's music, are threatening to sue JibJab. More here.

From above link: This was something I noticed when those charming little children sang it at the Democratic National Convention- people seem to forget the full lyrics to the song, don't they? Here's the final two verses of This Land:

As I was walkin' - I saw a sign there
And that sign said - no tress passin'
But on the other side ... it didn't say nothin!
Now that side was made for you and me!

In the squares of the city - In the shadow of the steeple
Near the relief office - I see my people
And some are grumblin' and some are wonderin'
If this land's still made for you and me.

Don't never hear those verses, do ya?

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Oh, man. This is EXACTLY how I feel. 

"Don't be a dickhead. Vote Democratic."

Anyone remember that picture I have from the march on Washington in February of 2003? With Mike, Sam and this guy I hauled out of the crowd who was carrying a sign that said "Bush is a lousy fuck and I hate him?" Yeah, just like that.

p.s. Flash required.


This week: Wednesday night, Saturday brunch (till 5), Sunday Brunch, Sunday night (yes, that is a double shift. Yes, that is sixteen hours on my feet. No, it's not really worth the money).

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