
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Get yer motor running 

An Ze Dong, Jelly Bowels and myself leave this evening for Philadelphia. There we will rendezvous with Comrade Blue, whose participation is crucial to the success of our mission. What is our mission? West Virginia. At least that's what it looks like. We still haven't made up our minds. But our thinking was, WVA is the China of the US, only without the delicious food (though bring on the Waffle House, beeyotch) or interesting culture. I hear they have accents, though. And we feel the relative lack of infrastructure will compensate for whatever other shortcomings the state possesses in terms of, you know, worthwhile things to do, and thereby arouse in us all palpable feelings of nostalgia for our true guojia. But we're open to suggestions. Like Baltimore. I looked around a bit. I can't really think of anything that's, you know, in West Virginia. I'm sure we'll find no shortage of interesting surprises that will challenge our sickeningly elitist cheese-eating milksoppy East Coast liberal conceptions. But you know, I don't really buy that.

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