
Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Throwin tha bumz out!

First off, big, BIG up to all the Missouri voters I know for the McCaskill win. My cousin Jason is especially walking on air today (and you all should be reading his blog every day, he updates a lot and everything he has to say is more interesting than what you might read here) because he and his wife's organization, Heartland Democrats of America has been working overtime on this one. Almost exactly a year ago, in a speech, he had this to say: "They will call us pinkos, commies, liberals, nay-sayers, tree-huggers, and traitors...but if we stay true to our values, they're going to have to call us the majority."

Fuckin' A, cuz.

But moving on! Onward, outward, upward! Webb v. Macaca in Virginny looks to be going to a recount, and Burns v. Tester in Montana is still maybe too close to call (unbefuckinglievable! Burns is armpit-deep in slime; that he's not in jail is a mystery, that he's even in this election is absurd), but Tester has a small lead. But DeWine is gone, and Chafee, too (I think everyone will agree that it's a pity that of all the Republicans that had to go, Chafee was among them)...but Santorum! Don't let the door hit your frothy mixture-loving ass on the way out!

And da HOUSE! Da GOVERNORS! Y'all know the story. I got no more time to write, got to run off to work...but HOT DAMN!

UPDATE: What do you say about Donald Rumsfeld? Perhaps a simple HAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK OFF AND DIE will have to do for now.

Plus the good people have Montana have finally gotten their shit together and they're officially calling it for Tester. All eyes on sweet Virginny.

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