
Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I am not entirely familiar with this monster, the Midterm, whose advent appears to have sent this entire campus into a blue tizzy of preparation. I have never met the Midterm, but so far as I can tell he is an imperious sort, given to demanding tribute in predictably regular intervals. Mostly this tribute seems to involve various forms of self-flagellation, from the forgoing of sleep to unstinting caffeination. Flurries of industriousness generally herald his arrival, along with a widespread unraveling of nerves and wits. His departure, usually a drawn-out affair, is invariably met with a great exhalation and relaxing, for his presence pleases no one. It is generally agreed that the Midterm is, for want of a better phrase, a necessary evil, as it keeps us honest, and those few voices who argue that no evil is necessary are usually dismissed as moonbats. It seems the Midterm monster serves chiefly to lessen the unpleasantness of the Final, who comes less frequently, but who demands a far more ruthless tribute. Whether it is prudent to rise up in fury and overthrow their tyranny once and for all is a subject that receives only the most listless, defeatist debate.

Yet I, for one, refuse to be cowed. If I am to be the lone voice of resistance, so be it. I have not played victim to their cruel whim before, nor shall I now. I shall not submit to their inhuman demands, but shall meet them head-on, as a David before Goliath. Then we shall see who bows to whom.

Just kidding, Grandma! I'm studying, I'm studying.

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